A recent April 9th, 2018 article in the Houston Chronicle reminds us of the consequences bar tenders and establishments face when serving alcohol to intoxicated patrons and or patrons under the drinking age. “Amy Lynn Allen, a bartender at Crescent City Connection Sports & Oyster Bar on El Camino Real, was charged with acting with criminal negligence after she allegedly allowed 20-year-old Veronica Rivas to drink alcohol at the bar. After leaving the bar, Rivas was involved in an alleged drunk driving crash that killed a Clear Lake mother and her baby.” [1] This raises the question: Should more laws be written to hold bartenders accountable for serving alcohol to patrons or underage patrons who may become intoxicated and commit other crimes while intoxicated that may harm property and or persons?
What would you do if confronted by a belligerent intoxicated bar patron who may be walking home from an establishment that severed him or her alcohol? A Stop the Threat Episode titled “Midnight Mugging” addresses this question while also raising additional issues one should consider. In this episode, a drunken bar client feels emboldened when he pulls his gun on a passerby, demanding money. This late-night encounter takes a turn for the worst.
Join Stop the Threat host, James B. Towle , and expert guest panelists Don Clark, Chuck Joyner and Marc MacYoung as they discuss this true crime re-enactment and offer their insight on the subject.

Watch Episode 6 of Season 5 free on YouTube or Amazon Prime Video Now!
[1] Ketterer, Samantha. “Bartender charged in deadly DWI case surrenders.” , https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/bayarea/news/article/Bartender-accused-of-aiding-alcohol-sale-to-12818741.php. Accessed 18 April 2018.